Writing prompts for September
how it works Are you in need of inspiration? Well, you've come to the right place! Each month there will be a different set of writing prompts. There is no need to claim and leave a prompt like you would with the word prompts. Just pick any one of these and write about it. Check back each month because the prompts will change. Now, onto the prompts!
the end of summer The season is coming to an end. How do you feel about that? Sad that you won't be able to lounge about the beach and get a tan? Ecstatic because you can't stand the heat and are ready for those autumn treats? Write about an experience you had this summer or about your plans for the fall. The possibilities are endless.
photographs Look through your digital or tangible albums and find a photograph. It can be a recent shot or an ancient one. Take that photo and write about it. Write about the memories tied to that photograph. Write about the person, place or thing in the shot. Take those thoughts and post them alongside the photograph you selected.
say something Writing can be cathartic. It can cleanse your mind and relieve you of words that have been stored in there for a while. Take a moment and think of something you'd like to tell someone. Write it in the form of a letter addressed to someone, to everyone or to no one at all. Maybe write your message by producing a poem or a story to get the message out. Whichever way you choose, remember to be bold, honest and brave.
bucket list Just like the title states, you are being asked to write your bucket list! Make it a list of goals you wish to achieve in life or even a list of goals to meet by the start of October. Whatever it may be, write it down and share it!
my furry best friend Tell everyone about your pet(s). How they came into your life, who or what inspired their name, how long you've had them. Again, possibilities are endless. Describe them with words or use a photograph. Tell us a story about your little friend and encouage others to share photos or stories of their own pets.